Pani zima už poslala svojich poslov oznamujúcich jej príchod a so zimou súvisí aj tento článok. Zopakujme alebo naučme sa dnes pár idiomov súvisiacich so zimou.
wwinter wonderland
= a place transformed by snow into a beautiful place; snovy paradise
- After the snowstorm our village looked like a winter wonderland.
winter blues
= feeling sad during winter months; wimter melancholy
- Some people exprerience winter blues when there is less sunlight.

Jack Frost
= personification of winter cold, figure who causes frost
- Jack Frost nipped at my nose.
winter break
= a holiday from school or work during the winter months; winter holiday
- I can’t wait for winter break! We want to go skiing.
winter is long in the tooth
= refers to the perception that winter seems to last a very long time
- In mid-March everyone in the town felt that winter was long in the tooth.