A just tam pôjdem! A just budem jesț čokoládu!
Takto to vyzerá so slovenským just. Čo však anglické just [džast – ʤʌst]?
Just je príslovka (Adverb) a má viacero významov a to:
1) iba, len jednoducho
= je synonymom only, simply
- I just wanted to remind you to take it. ~ Chcel(a) som ti len pripomenúť, aby si to vzal(a).
2) presne
= presne táto veľkosť, číslo, topánky, sukňa a pod.
- I would like to get just this size. ~ Chcel(a) by som presne toto číslo.
3) práve
V tomto význame sa používa väčšinou s predprítomným časom (Present Perfect).
- I have just written to her. ~ Práve som jej napísal(a).
- Yes, Joe has just called me. ~ Áno, Joe mi práve volal.

Pár výrazov s just
just for fun ~ len tak pre zábavu
- He has composed that song just for fun.
just in case ~ pre prípad
- Take the umbrella – just in case it rains.
just because ~ práve kvôli
- I wanted to see you just because of that.
just after ~ práve po
- They came just after lunch.
just before ~ práve pred
- We bought our new house just before the summer.
just a minute ~ len chvíľočku, minútku
- Just a minute. I ‘ll connect you.
just in time ~ práve včas (na poslednú chvíľu)
- They delivered it just in time. We were leaving.
just now ~ práve teraz, hneď teraz
- Please, do it just now.
just around the corner ~ hneď za rohom
- You can meet the love of your life just round the corner.