sobota, 27 júla, 2024


Transitive and Intransitive Verbs v angličtine

Prechodné/tranzitívne sloveso (Transitive Verb) je také sloveso, ktoré na dokončenie významu vyžaduje priamy predmet, napr.:

  • Tom (Subject ~ podmet) plays (Verb ~ sloveso) the piano (Object ~ predmet).
  • I opened the door.

Neprechodné sloveso (Intransitive Verb) je také sloveso, ktoré na dokončenie svojho významu nepotrebuje priamy predmet, napr.:

  • Alice dances.
  • We are sleeping.


Ak sa môžeme opýtať ČO ~ WHAT, KOHO ~ WHOM, tak sloveso je prechodné ~ transitive.

Ak sa môžeme opýtať KDE ~ WHERE, KEDY ~ WHEN, PREČO ~ WHY a AKO ~ HOW, potom je sloveso neprechodné ~ intransitive.

Niektoré slovesá môžu byť transitive aj intransitive.

Examples of Transitive Verbs

accept, answer, ask, break, build

cancel, catch, change, clean, define, destroy

finish, follow, forget, help, insert

join, keep, kiss, lead, link, love

marry, notice, order, please, promise, protect

remind, select, smell, spell, specify

teach, taste, turn, tty, use

want, wash, warn, watch, wear,

Examples of Intransitive Verbs

dance, laugh, run, sit, sleep, smile,

Examples of Transitive & Intransitive Verbs

leave, read, sing

  • What did you do yesterday? – I read. | I read a good book.
  • Her mum encouraged her, so she sang. | She sang her latest song.