sobota, 07 decembra, 2024


Six English Phrases

Keď sa snažíme naučiť sa hovoriť v inom jazyku čo najprirodzenejšie, skôr, či neskôr narazíme na rôzne idiomy, príslovia, prirovnania, atď. Niektoré z nich môžu pri doslovnom preklade vyznieť aj komicky.

Pozrime sa dnes na šesť takýchto výrazov v angličtine.

The elephant in the room

Kto má doma slona?

Význam | Meaning::

  • thing is very obvious, but no one’s talking about it

Usually, “the elephant in the room” is something that makes people uncomfortable, which is why no one’s talking about it.

The truth is that he will not pass it because he does not have the proper skills and documents, but nobody will tell him, and it is becoming the elephant in the room.

Rise and shine

Slniečko ty svieť nám svieť…

Význam | Meaning:

You can use this phrase to

  • wake someone up in the morning

– Hey dear, rise and shine!
– No, go away! Let me sleep

Sliced bread

Kto si dá nakrájaný chlebík?

Význam | Meaning:

  • it’s great, amazing

Have you read her new book?

– Not yet.

It’s sliced bread!

Keep your shirt on

Mám si nechať košeľu??

Význam | Meaning:

  • calm down

– I don’t get it! Why doesn’t anyone want to buy my book?
– Keep your shirt on. You just need a better cover.

Have a heart

Have a cake! Have a heart! ❔❔

Význam | Meaning:

  • be nicer or care about others more

– I don’t care whether people have job and food. It’s not my problem.
– Oh, come on, have a heart!

Keep a cool head

Zachovať chladnù hlavu ❔❔

Význam | Meaning:

  • stay calm – even when something makes you angry or upset

I know that the new manager is very unreliable and impolite, but it’s important to keep a cool head.

Be a happy camper

A ideme kempovať ;D …

Význam | Meaning:

  • to be happy – whether or not you’re camping :); you can also say that someone is “not a happy camper” to say that they aren’t happy

Just give him a cup of coffee and muffins and he’ll be a happy camper.

English Idioms

What’s up? – I’m on cloud nine.