streda, 12 februára, 2025


6 chutných fráz v angličtine


V predošlom článku sme sa venovali frázovým slovesám (Phrasal Verbs), ich rozdeleniu a tipom, ako si ich osvojiť.

Dnes budeme jesť 🙂.


1. Máte radi fazuľu?

Ja áno. A osôbky, ktoré ju majú radi sú mi sympatické.

So, if you are full of beans, I like you.

To be full of beans = to be full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Susan is not very lively in the mornings, but her kids and their doggie are always full of beans as soon as they wake up!


2. Čo je zdravšie? Tradičné maslo alebo rastlinné?

V tomto sa už človek niekedy nevyzná. Raz to, potom ono a potom zasa naopak …

Companies butter us up in their ads to buy what they sell.

Butter someone (me, you, her, us, them, Liz, Jim) up = be especially nice to them in the hope they’ll do something good for you in return.

  • Advert for a family package: We are very impressed with your family, your beautiful and charming wife, and your son is so lovely, smart and and and …


3. Aký džem máte radi?

Ja šípkový, jahodový a marhuľový a …

These days we are all in a jam.

Someone is in a jam = they are in a difficult situation.


4. Plačete nad cibuľou? 

Ja plačem nad červenou menej ako nad bielou. A aj to len vtedy, ak krajam viac ako pol cibule.

So, can you tell cibuľa in English, Spanish, Russian …?

Yeah? Perfect! You know your onions.

If someone says you know your onions = you are experienced in something or you know a lot about it, you are clever. It’s a compliment.

  • Joe: … Next, what is the synonym of wonderful?
    Miraculous, admirable, superb, splendid …
    Wow! You really know your onions.


5. Máte tip na nejaký dobrý koláč?

Ja som minule objavila recept na takýto jahodový koláč.

Will you do it for me? Or is it just pie in the sky?

Pie in the sky =  to talk about something good that we would like to happen but which is unlikely to.

  • Tom’s plan to buy maserati is just pie in the sky. He doesn’t make so much money.


6. Kedy ste naposledy jedli puding?

Hmm, ja si veru nespomínam… 🤔

Will your stories and recordings suprise us or not? We’ll see – the proof is in the pudding.

The proof is in the pudding = you can only judge the quality of something after you’ve tried it, experienced it or used it.

  • Customer: I don’t believe this new dishwasher can save water and energy.
    Saler: But you haven’t used it yet. The proof is the pudding.
  • X: Do you think this will work?
    Y: No idea. Let’s wait and see – the proof is in the pudding.


Tuším som pri ťukaní vyhladla. Idem – si uvariť asi ten puding 😉.

Ak sa vám ešte nezbiehajú sliny, pozrite sa na preklady fráz do slovenčiny.

Nabudúce sa pozrieme na “povedačky” v slovenčine – či to je med lízať, keď sa niekto učí po slovensky.


Phrasal Verbs

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