sobota, 27 júla, 2024


5 významov slova “free”


V predošlom článku sme si hovorili aj o tom, ako sa môže zmeniť význam podľa toho, či je free pred alebo za podstatným menom.

Dnes sa pozrieme na 5 významov tohto pekného slova.


1) Not busy – nebyť zaneprázdnený

> without particular plans or arrangements (bez planov, stretnutí)

  • Are you free on Sunday? We’re having a party.
  • I try to keep weekends free.
  • If you are free for lunch, I’ll take you out.
  • Keep next Saturday free for our trip.
  • What do you like to do in your free time (= when you are not working)?
  • Let’s meet this Friday. What time are you free?
  • Are you free for dinner on Wedesday?
  • Are you free on 15th July? We’re having a garden party.


2) No payment – bez platby

> costing nothing

  • Admission is free.
  • I have free tickets to the theatre.
  • In that e-shop they”ll give you a free gift with each book you buy.
  • Use of the fitness is free for members.
  • The performance is free for children under twelve.
  • Entrance is free for kids and students.
  • Education should be free for everyone.
  • Shipping is free for orders over 60€.
  • Subscribe to our free email newsletter.
  • Parking is free after 6 p. m..
  • We’re giving away 100 free sampless of our new face cream.
  • Our events are free but you have to reserve a place.
  • This cd comes free with the magazine.
  • The e-book is available as a free download.

3) not being used – nepoužíva sa

  • Is this seat free?
  • The hospital needs to keep some beds free for emergencies.
  • He has the phone on the left to keep his right hand free for writing.
  • There were no free tables in the restaurant, so we had to share.
  • Is the bathroom free?

4) not under the control – nie pod kontrolou

> not in the power of somebody else; able to do what you want

  • Students have a free choice of modules in this course.
  • You are free to leave at any time.
  • We want an independent state free of foreign interference.
  • I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free.
  • After her divorce she felt free.
  • Guests of our hotel are free to wander around the park.
  • I try to make my own decisions, free of any outside influences.
  • Here you are free to express your opinion.


5) not limited – neobmedzovaný

  • A true people-oriented system needs free speech and a free press.
  • In a free country you should be able to go wherever you want.
  • They want the free movement of goods and capital.
  • We want to be a free nation.
  • We tried to create an open and free atmosphere in our school.


Nabudúce o frázach s free.


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